Anita Mulye
Start date at Hillside: 2017
What do you do at Hillside? Board Member, Clinical, Public & Mental Health Committee. I started out volunteering as a faculty preceptor for Hillside, where I’ve learned about and been able to experience the collaborative efforts that Hillside does so well. From these relationships formed, I was able to be part of two projects with Hillside, one to improve diabetes care, and the second to introduce point-of-care ultrasound to providers. It has been such a pleasure working so closely with people who share a passion for improving the health and lives of the residents of Punta Gorda, and this is what brought me to apply for position on the board. I hope that my dedication to Hillside can be useful in a larger way by helping to make decisions that are in the best interest of the patients and staff at Hillside in the future
Where do you live? Chicago, IL
What do you like about Hillside? I love the collaboration and multidisciplinary approach that Hillside brings to each patient encounter. Actually getting to speak to the pharmacist and the physical therapists about what medications and therapies might be best for a patient expands my knowledge and assures me that we are providing as comprehensive care as we can by thinking through multiple perspectives in a remarkably efficient way.
What are your interests/ hobbies outside of Hillside? As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to value my time with nature and animals more. I got certified in scuba diving while I was in Belize, and it has been one of the most enjoyable things I’ve learned to be that close to sea life. Most of my time is spent playing with my toddler and dog, so we take a lot of walks to the park and lake in Chicago.